Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Controversy - The Spice of Life

I knew when I started this blog that there would be people who don't agree with me on various things - some of my views on Autism, how I plan on running my center, how I fund raise, etc.

Below is an email that I received and my reply. I wanted to share it here because I think the points made by both sides are important.


You are quick to judge successful treatments like the GFCF diet[P.S. it is not hard] and also enzymes are another helpful thing for the kids gut. Why be negative about a cure for many of the kids with autism, not all or even most but many, many, many.....

And my response:

Hi Mike,

I am not negative towards the successful cases at all! I just think it is irresponsible of anyone to put those treatments out there as THE CURE for autism. It works for some kids and that is a wonderful, beautiful thing – but it doesn’t work for everyone. As for it not being hard – well I’m glad that it wasn’t hard for you! My son choked and gagged and threw up just about everything we gave him, and finally just refused to eat. It was an extremely painful process to get him switched over, and several other parents whom I talked to said the same thing. I can only talk about my personal experiences and the experiences of other parents that I know. (Which unfortunately is quite a few.)

I will post your email up on the blog as well as my response, which will include this: I am in no way suggesting that parents should not try GFCF diets. Some children do respond very well to the diet, and for those children it is a Godsend. My point is that as parents, you should enter into these dietary changes with an open mind, but do not pin all of your hopes on them – because unfortunately dietary changes for many kids make no difference in the severity of their autistic traits.

Thank you for taking the time to write!


I know as well as anyone that there are many, many purported "cures" out there. What may help one child may not help another. I think it is up to all parents to decide what therapies to try in an effort to make their childrens' lives better, happier, and more productive, but having your child's best interest in mind means that you must think carefully and clearly before entering into ANY therapy. It is a very sad fact that there are people out there who will prey on parents and offer therapies for autism that not only don't work, but can be physically and/or psychologically dangerous. While I do not think GF diets in any way fit in this category, I do feel like this is a great opportunity to put the warning out there.

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