Thursday, September 20, 2007

Who are the horses? Glad you asked!

We currently have two horses on the roster at Jake's Place, my 19 year old Arabian mare Provacative (Proletariat x SF Katia) and our little girl My Little Obsesshahn (Bey Intuishahn E x GW Barbidansk).

Pro has been with me for a little more than three years now. She's an interesting horse; generally grumpy and not real friendly, Pro is not the horse that you would look at first when you think "therapy horse." But she really becomes a different horse around kids (she is especially protective of the little ones) and when she has precious cargo on her back, she suddenly becomes as incredibly beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. Since Arabians tend to live long lives, with any luck Pro will be with us for many, many years to come.

So far Obie is the exact oposite of Provacativ. Always friendly and seemingling full of joy, she openly loves people and is the first one up to the fence for a love and a scritch. It will be a long time before anyone is riding Obie, but in the meantime she can do a great job of standing around and looking cute, and eventually be a great horse for kids to learn to groom on.

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