Sunday, December 16, 2007

Calling all Moms!

If you are the mother of a child with Autism, I want to hear from you!

I'm looking for your day-t0-day stories on how you and your family are handling your daily struggles and triumphs with Autism for my upcoming book with co-author Jennifer Walker.

Jenn and I are putting together a series of questions that will be sent to our email list of selected moms, who will then answer the questions and send them back to us for consideration for inclusion in the book. Writing skills are not necessary, just the ability to answer specific questions in a fairly timely manner. A sample question would be: "What were the first 48 hours after your child was diagnosed with Autism like for you?"

If you are interested in taking part in our Q & A email sessions, please email me and I will send you detailed information.

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