Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Wow - Fundraising Sucks!

I made the decision to finally get stated making Jake's Place a reality just about a month ago. During that time I've set up this blog, set up a website (, sent out email announcements, set up the store, set up the mall, sent out more email announcements, told friends and family, advertised on other websites and extensively on Craig's list. I also hired someone to fund raise for me, but they didn't come through. During all 0f that time I've managed to raise a grand total of $27.40. My latest attempt is running a couple of auctions on EBay selling "Autistic Art" which is artwork Jake did over the course of last year.

I'm kind of amazed at how people will give money to homeless people on the corner, but won't bother to give even $1 to help kids with Autism. I've had several friends suggest that the problem is that I'm not starting a NPO - Ok, maybe that's the case - do those "Will Work for Food" guys have an NPO?? I don't think it really has much to do with that, to be honest. I think it has more to do with people just not caring too much. That makes me really sad.

I told one of my friends who said the problem is being "for profit" that if every person who visited this website gave $1, ONE MEASLY DOLLAR, we'd be raising around $400 a week. Instead, we've raised $27 in one month. How do I explain to my son that he's not as important to people as the homeless guy? Do I just tell him that we are in a jaded times, and people don't help each other out like they used to? Do I tell him that people don't trust anymore, so no one wants to give $1 because they think mommy is going to take all the money and run? Or should I tell him that the truth is just really basic - nobody cares?

I'm not sure what to tell him, but I know for sure that I'm not going to give up. Last week I contacted a friend of mine who has a great deal of experience with this type of stuff. He said, "Get started on getting your NPO status, it's the only way it's going to work." Since I am constantly looking to God for guidance, I figure I should consider the advice that's given. So this week I will sit down and really research what it means to become a 501(c)3 organization. With any luck, things around here will start to change. Man I hope they do - I hate feeling like no one cares.

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